"Western Powders Blog" 

Dirty Rails Have Met Their Match

"Sometimes a tool comes along that is too useful to ignore." May 2016


"USCCA Blog" (United States Concealed Carry Association)

​Gear We Love - October 2015 ​"This tool allows you to leave cotton swabs, pipe cleaners, paper clips and toothpicks to their intended purposes....allows you to return your firearm to like-new condition....Clean up your act.


Copyright CALBICO LLC. All rights reserved.

"Shooting Illustrated" 

Calbico Channel Cleaning Tool - " While cleaning firearms is rarely fun, having the right tools can make it more productive and faster." January 13, 2015​


​​"Shooting Sports Retailer" 

PRODUCT PREVIEW "The Channel Cleaning Tool provides firearm owners, armorers and gunsmiths unprecedented cleaning abilities." August 2015, p.15.  ​​http://www.shootingsportsretailer-digital.com/aug2015#&pageSet=8

"American Rifleman"

WHERE CAN I GET...?  "The dark days of improvising cleaning tools...are behind us all...leave it to a master "MacGyver" and his company...to introduce an ingeniously simple and much needed tool to the gun cleaning market. ...Once on the cleaning bench, the Channel Cleaning Tool will find its way into the nooks and crannies of every gun thats due for maintenance." September 2015. p. 38.


Cleaning Modern Guns   "How did I ever get along without this?" November 2015
